Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

Never Give Up On Your Dreams!


Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

Motivational Monday – – watch this beautiful moment in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness.  The line that really hits home: “Don’t Ever Let Someone Tell You, You Can’t Do Something. If You Have A Dream You Must Protect It Period!” 

Never give up on your dreams, they are the reflection of all that you are and all that you believe!

Many Blessings,

P.S.  Thanks Of The Day:  After months of practices and games my son scored his first goal in a soccer game!  It was awesome and he is still watching the replay the next day 🙂

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  1. Stephen M. Dinnerman aka Mishka on


    Good Morning Lynn!

    I’ve had a very interesting ‘relationship’ with Inspiration By G D.. by that I mean that I used to receive 1 to 3 mailings over a few years prior to 2014… In those they were so Right On Target for whatever travails I had been currently facing.. and appeared as an adjunct to something I have been doing during the 35 years of my Sojourn with Y’Shua ~º~ I call it Bible Roulette… whereas I might find myself in either great need for a current circumstance or just needing to hear and feel My Master’s Touch. I cannot exclaim enough how many times He would lead me precisely to a Scripture that dealt Exactly with which my circumstances were confronting me… I would say it was an 85% Hit ratio… even just the comforting times that I just needed to hear from Him, He would open me up to something so Personal in my current schematics that it would blow my mind.

    Now as to IBG: I was able to trace this year’s “membership” having a start date as best as I can discern of Jan 10th, 2014 [btw, that happened to be the day before my Birthday..] I have No Idea how I made into your Database… I Know I didn’t personally apply… I then over the 1st 6 to 8 months of this year would receive IBG sparingly… Then starting in August they began arriving on a more frequent basis.

    Then over the past 60 days I have received several mailings that were or seemed to be tailor made for my current circumstance… much in the manner of my Bible Roulette. Specifically, during October to early November I received 3 submissions that stated: “Stephen, Never Ever Give Up” and in the last two included the concept of Not To Give Up On My Dreams… Let me add that I am Sooo well grounded in that “He Will Never Leave Or Forsake You..” so that wasn’t the message that was being delivered… It was more along the lines of how I had given up on some particular Dream that I felt it was just too late in my life to come about.

    I won’t bore you with the salient details but what I immediately flashed on was that Dream… and the potential plans I have been mulling over in my mind to relocate from my current area I am residing near Lima Ohio, down to Dayton Ohio where there are a lot more amenities, cultural pursuits and People which this locale just doesn’t provide. This is a more involved story than perhaps is judicious to elucidate in what is turning out to be, This Missive…

    But in a thumbnail [I hope… I can be exceedingly verbose… sorry] But I was forced to move out here from my Beautiful Home & Residence in The Santa Cruz Mountains in California. In 2001 I came down with Myasthenia Gravis, a very serious muscular disease [I am one of Jerry’s Kids’ ~ If you wanted to look it up… Aristotle Onnassis (Jackie O’s Husband) had this..] Anyway, I gave up all I had to move out here basically to Die in 2004; because I had a couple sets of Friends who said they would take care of me. For 9 years I lived cloistered in this house and just one Sick Puppy.

    In 2010 I started to go into remission… As of 2014 this entire year I am in Full Remission… Hashem Willing I will remain in such for the rest of My Sojourn ~~~ I have regained my Joi de Vive ~ My Energy level has returned and my ability and motivation to get out in The World has been nothing less than demonstrative. He Touched Me!!

    Except I am stuck here where basically ‘There is No There, There’ if you get my drift. I sarcastically refer to Cridersville/Lima as Fud Hell… Walmart, Chiefs, and Community Markets are my options for groceries … Decent Produce is but a memory. Dayton at least sports a Whole Earth Foods and a Trader Joe’s ~~ Offering a somewhat closer repast as I had been accustomed back in California … Where I am now, they once had a Baskin Robbin’s which closed several years ago for lack of customers, just as an example.

    Dayton also offers more of a Cosmopolitan venue and not only more Cultural potentialities such as The Arts but also the possibility of meeting a much more diverse population and pursuits that are so devoid where I now live.

    Like I mentioned, I was so house bound for 8~9 years I never had the opportunity to go out and meet and make any new Friends… As of Late, the past few months, I have been going over weekly to The VFW and The American Legion a couple times a week just to get myself out and about and they provide Like & Kind People with whom I can relate.

    So to try and bring this 360 as to what I have received from IBG and specifically the admonition to ‘Stephen, Never Ever Give Up On Your Dreams, ‘ I have taken as more impetus and encouragement to possibly make this move in the coming Spring ~~ As well as trying to get myself out and about here in the local area and make New Friends of which I have done and have some further ideas what I want to attempt to involve myself in some Giving Back or Paying It Forward by a plan I am developing to visit residents of some local Nursing Homes who have No One who comes to see them. I understand Alone, Loneliness and Not Being Loved.. only too well. My plan is to go find those people through the Dir Of Nursing at the appropriate Facilities and set a plan whereby I can visit on hopefully a regular basis… I am thinking of going after 1st contact and Reading them some Stories… that would be done in a partial manner upon each visit leaving a sort of Cliffhanger that would be like those old fashioned Movie Serials ~º~ I have a Good Friend who just so happens to Live in Dayton who is a Published Author and specializes in Short Stories who will be my cohort and provide such that I can share.

    So sorry for this rather longish missive but it’s just because of the messages I’ve received from IBG as well as my own internal sense of Anticipation and Excitement about what might be in my Future that I just felt lead today to share with you, Lynn.

    The Lord, Hashem is the Jewish way we refer to Him, [and Yes I am A Jew For Y’Shua!] has Never Loomed Brighter and His Constant Presence in all of my Sojourn than He Has in 2014 !!! I can’t begin to tell you of the Constant Quickening that goes on Inside Of Me Each & Every Day… I want to weep as I write this to you. In All Of My Life He has Never Ever Let Me Down when I needed Him… Whenever I was in circumstance that was Over My Head and I could not overcome… ‘Along Came Jones…’ :-} and He bailed me out… and in ways, of course I could never have anticipated. This goes all the way back to when I was 18 !!! He has Always Been By My Side… Even before I ‘Jumped The Broom’ back in 1980 and confessed that Y’Shua Proved (Yes, Lynn I made Him Prove that He was Whom He Said He was… but that’s another story.. :-} ) That He indeed was My Lord, My Master My G D and My King.

    I just wanted you to know the Inspiration that IBG has provided me to look forward to what my be left in my Sojourn… and told me exactly what I needed to hear… I look forward to future submissions, regardless of whether they are personalized as the examples I mentioned or just good sound encouragement.

    Warmest Regards,


    • Lynn Smith on

      I am so happy to hear that the messages have been aligned with your journey. They come from the heart and are inspired. We are all in this life together. Please continue on your path in positivity and optimism. We are praying for you!!
      Agape, Lynn

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