Some Bright Morning, I’ll Fly Away

Some Bright Morning, I’ll Fly Away


The hymn “I’ll Fly Away” was written 84 years ago and continues to be one of the most recorded gospel songs.

My mother taught it to my daugthers when they were very young and last month they sang it to my ailing mother. She clearly conveyed her joy upon listening to it, so much so, that my three sisters and I decided to pass out the words to the song at her gravesite and sing it to her one last time with all of her famly and friends.

It turned out to be a very memorable moment.. Just as we all began to sing the song – a very large skein/group of geese suddenly flew over the committal shelter. (In national cemetaries – funeral services takes place in these open-air, gazebo-like structures.) It was a pleasant surprise to say the least. They were all honking as we were singing as though to sing along with us!

In this video, Gillian Welch sings it bluegrass style with her musical partner David Rawlings. It’s a beautifully uplifting song that I’m sure will move you as it moved all of us.

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