9 year old Emi Sunshine is a “Refreshing” Talent

9 year old Emi Sunshine is a “Refreshing” Talent


In these two videos we get to see a sweet young talented little girl.  Emi Sunshine is a 9 year old singer, songwriter who, just like Dolly Parton, is from the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee where Gospel music has played a big part in both of their lives and upbringing.

It’s inspiring to see this young talent take such a wholesome approach to her music.  She is as cute as can be and – like me – you might envision a young Dolly Parton starting out on her career so many year ago…  Emi  plays in a band with her dad, brother and uncle and already has a large repertoire of songs behind her with two cd’s.

I just know you will enjoy watching her.  She is truly a captivating delight!

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